
Norwegian project for upper secondary school students aiming at starting youth enterprises

This project is led by the county organisation for young entrepreneurs “Ungt Entreprenørskap” in Sogn og Fjordane, Norway. This organisation is member of the “Enterprise without borders” program that promotes youth entrepreneurship training courses all over Europe. This initiative wants to underline the importance of international youth exchanges to increase practical competences and skills necessary to start an international business.  

Norway summer farm
“Ungt Entreprenørskap” educational program is inspired by the “REAL” methodology (Rural Entrepreneurship Through Action Learning) from the USA, designed to introduce young people from rural areas to entrepreneurship education.

The REAL program uses experiential methods to train students and focuses on providing real business situations to try learners’ skills. For example REAL teachers organise different role-plays such as interview with a banker or having a business lunch with the owner of the restaurant you want to take over, etc. In reflecting on that experience, a participant can present his impressions in different ways: talking with a colleague in class or create a piece of visual art work.

In the frame of “Enterprise without borders” program, in 2008 “Ungt Entreprenørskap” organised an international gründer-camp with young people coming from European countries, who were “Enterprise without borders” partners. A mountain youth entrepreneurs meeting has been proposed for this years and it will focus on innovation within agriculture, tourism, renewable energy, ICT and others related to business opportunities in mountain areas.        

To know more about Ungt Entreprenørskap’s projects, visit their website (in Norwegian) http://www.ue.no/pls/apex32/f?p=16000:1000:1959479818588997.
To download the Good Practice Guidelines, realized in the framework of INTEREG IVC (Politics to fight against Depopulation in Mountains Areas), click here.
To know more about REAL methodology, visit their website (in English) http://www.ncreal.org/what_is_real/experiential_learning_cycle.


  1. This is a good idea! Can we duplicate this initiative elsewhere? In Slovakia par example?

  2. Hi! Yes it's possible: Norvegian from Sogn og Fjordane County want to build up a European project on the subject. They are searching for partners. I can give you the contact of the responsible of the project if you want, you can ask me by e-mail: emmanuelle.picaud@euromontana.org.
    The project will be presented during the 1st workshop in the VIIIth European Mountain Convention too, at Chambéry (France) on October, 3rd.
    Thanks for your participation!
