
What services for young couples in mountain areas?

“Having interesting job opportunities for both partners is a pre-condition for settling of working age people in mountain areas, but it is not sufficient. Young couple need  education and training services for their children.” 

“First, it is better to accompanying the partner of a person moving in to find a job or to create a business. Couples settling in mountain areas often need two jobs. Helping the partner in his/her job search secures a longer stay . In region Dalarna, Sweden, the Teknikdalen Foundation and some business have created a public –private association The recruitment consultancy which has the aim of facilitating the recruitment of husband/wife of people already working in the mountains areas. The company reports to the Recruitment Consultancy information about the partner of their employees who are in the search of job. Further to a personnal meeting, the recruitment consultancy will help the candidate to target the right companies in the area and will contact them as well, forwading the application with a recommendation.”

“Then, it is necessary to provide working people’s children with sufficient childcare and education services.
In provine of Torino (Italy), several medium farms located in the mountain area have created a service ok kinder garden/ nursery for children aged 0-6 years from the village and cities around. Farm keepers follow a specific training and the farm building needs some adjustments in order to offer a proper room for small children. This type ofr farm is very appreciated by parents . he settlement of this kind of gardens in Torino was financed only by private funds (farmers); for families it represents no additionnal cost as compared to a classical pricate kinder garden (thanks to a regional aid from the province of Torino ).”

And you, what do you think about this initiatives? Is this apply to you there? Don't hesitate to let us a comment! 

Sources: PADIMA final report (Policies to fight against depopulation in mountain areas)

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